Places I've Eaten

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Sometimes the corner market can yield surprises, especially if you've got the munchies. I wandered into one recently to get a soda and saw this bag of delight sitting on the shelf. I remembered that Lay's did another one of their fan created flavor contests and they had paired it down to 4 flavors for folks to vote on. Evidently, the winning flavor was wasabi ginger--which makes me gag a little bit--but there still seem to be some of this other one floating around. I would have thought this had a better chance of winning since it has the hallmarks of comfort food. Still, I was interested to try some and plopped my money down and ran home with my bag. I gripped the edges of the bag tightly and slowly pulled it apart. The immediate aroma from the bag nearly attacked my senses with a smell that bordered somewhere between fake bacon dog treat and vomit. It was strong, like a mushroom cloud invading the apartment. I kept the bag at arms length and debated should I really even try one. Ha, who am I kidding, yes I'm gonna try. I take a chip out of the bag while simultaneously holding my nose and pop it into my mouth. The instant flavor I get is salty, then I'm hit with notes of some cheesiness and more salt, but not really any bacon. I felt like a I was in that "Golden Girls" episode where Rose makes that foul smelling crispies dessert and the girls all sit around the table eating it while holding their noses. Yeah, just like that. The chips just taste like salty cheesy potato chips and beyond the stink I can see why they didn't win. I'm still wondering how they thought they could infuse the mac part into it as none of it really brings back memories of bacon, mac or cheese. I didn't even finish the bag and neither did the SO. Normally he can eat anything, but not these. Kind of tells you how bad they smelled and how ordinary they tasted. Well, while they didn't bring up any childhood comfort food memories I did get that "Golden Girls" flash so I will take "comfort" in that, but I definitely wouldn't recommend these--unless you are out of Beggin' Strips for the dog.