Places I've Eaten

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MOTO Pizza....Good and Tasty Pizza Continues!!

Turns out there is good pizza to be had in this town, seems it has been a little like dating—you gotta try a lot of slices to find the tasty ones! Though, finding good pizza is easier than finding a good date here and, honestly, I find I am more satisfied with the pizza. When a date is bad, it’s forgettable, when pizza is bad, it’s still edible. Unless you are into that kind of thing but this is not that kind of blog, I’m strictly food fantasy here—the best kind thank you very much.

Probably close to twenty some pizza places and still going. The percentages of good to eh are definitely not in goods favor, but since it is such a crowd pleaser, places keep coming (and going) and adding locations if they hit the right note with folks. One such spot is Moto Pizza. It started as an idea in West Seattle and became so popular you had to order their pizzas months in advance just to get one. Yes, months ahead?! I mean, I’m down for good pizza, but I have my limits. I don’t like standing in line for food and sure am not up trying to decide what I am going to be in the mood for six months down the road. I want to and like to try stuff, but there is always enough of something else around that I am fine going elsewhere.

Still, there were enough others who did not mind doing such a thing and business built and boomed where they were eventually able to expand first one location then another and finally one in downtown Seattle that I can easily access without the months long wait. See, biding ones time works out sometimes too. Or course, it is in an odd out of the way place on the edge of Belltown tucked into the ground floor of a lofty warehouse work space. Another example of not mattering where you open. If you build it and it is good, people will find it.

Which is exactly what me and Mr D did on a random weeknight trip to the outer reaches of Belltown to sample what they got. Good thing about a weeknight is no crowds, though things did pick up as we were leaving. Plus, seems they were also still offering lunch sizes, which equivocates to two slices of their pizzas instead of the standard four. Seemed like a win win in order to try two different topped offerings. I mean, who isn’t up for more pizza!


It’s pepperoni, spicy sausage, MOTO cheese blend, parmesan, and tomato sauce topped with spicy honey.


It’s dungeness crab, MOTO cheese blend, parmesan, butter, dill, lemon zest, lemon juice, and thyme.

In case you could not tell, this is Detroit style pizza, something I am quite the fan of as you may know from my previous posts about such spots in SF. Nice that they have one here. In case you need a refresher, you can go here for a pretty in depth description. We all know I am down for a buttery crust and they do a pretty tasty version. As you can see from the pick it is almost like they create a kind of trough to put all those toppings in. And what of those toppings? You can’t go wrong with pepperoni and sausage, they are classic toppings and there was more than enough cheese to satisfy. Aa for the spicy honey, I did taste the spice and it has some kick which was nice, though with all the other things, I missed any sweet there may have been. Still, the Kissed was good classic pizza.

The Crab, now that was different. I figured I may as well go off the rails a bit and get something off pizza brand. Dungeness is a particularly Pacific NW thing (not to mention SF) and I do like crab, I just don’t like to work for it! It is better not having to go through the hassle of cracking one open and pulling out small portions of meat. Yes, I’m lazy that way. This isn’t the standard tomato sauced pie and cheese and crab seem an odd combo but for whatever reason, it works. They’ve paired it with complimentary spices of dill, thyme and lemon zest and you can taste all of these along with the crab. Okay, maybe the lemon zest a little more but the crab isn’t completely lost and there is enough of it there that you get its delicate and slightly sweet undertones. This may not be for everyone but I did enjoy it as a change of pace from the standard pizza offerings.

The boxes the slices came in

Normally ambiance and packaging are secondary to me since it is all about the food for me. But in this instance I felt the need to comment on it? We ate in and yet, we’re still served our slices inside the above boxes. It seemed a lot, and kind of a waste. I get it for takeaway, but since we pretty much ate everything there we ended up tossing them into recycling. I reiterate, a seeming waste of some very nice and, I am guessing, bottom line pricey. I get it, you wanna stand out, cool, as are the boxes. It just felt like such a big waste when we could have easily just been served the stuff on a plate, or even a paper one and I’d have been fine.

Beyond that, I’m down for their pizza. Crab was a little pricey, but their other offerings equal out to around $4-$6 a slice which is pretty in line with a thick Detroit style slice you are gonna find in town. Fluffy buttery and crunchy crust, copious amounts of toppings and cheese—how can you go wrong?! it is everything I look for in a slice of pizza I can enjoy without being in an altered state. I’ll definitely be back at Moto Pizza, even in its out of the way location. Good things are worth searching out, go on a pizza treasure hunt and treat yourself.