Your Weekly Digestion Of Food News.....And More Pizza!

Your Weekly Digestion Of Food News.....And More Pizza!

Some slices from Pagliacci Pizza on East Pike

When it rains it pours right? And who wouldn’t love it raining pizza?! Particularly when you come across some more good pizza and don’t have to get a whole pie to enjoy. I mean sure, I can eat a whole pie, but sometimes you remember you are not as young as you used to be and can’t exercise like a youngun’ so you have to watch what you eat to keep the belly from folding over the top of your pants. And if you don’t know what I mean then well….talk to the hand….get off my lawn…bye felicia…and whatever other out of date old person phrase you can remember without being too crude.

These beauties come courtesy of Pagliacci Pizza, a local small chain serving up thin crust pies and slices. They usually have a rotating selection of slice choices and I went with the standard—pepperoni—and an all veggie one to not feel so completely guilty. What I like best about their pizza is the crust. It seems a simple combination of four ingredients—flour, water, salt and yeast that mixed and then proofed for three days. What is produces is a lovely thin, buttery and crunchy crust that avoids the dreaded soggy tip syndrome better than any other slice I have had in this town. It is a stark contrast to the focaccia of Olympia that I enjoyed as a change of pace. There is just something about getting that crunch from first bite to end crust. It has a nice layer of sauce, then cheese, then toppings (which as you can see are not skimped on), then to the oven, then to my table, then into my mouth, then finally to my stomach. Seems like the right route! And at around $4 or so a slice it won’t break the wallet, something that can be hard to find these days. No hidden fees here! There is a reason they have been voted best in the city several times and I’m sure I will be back—more than the four times I have already been—don’t judge me. That is two pretty good pizza spots after a rash of ho hum, things are looking up! Stay tuned to see if the next spot keeps the trend on an upward trajectory. (But even good pizza comes at a cost as they face another round of wage issues—delivery and eating out these days can be a minefield of who to support and who to not)

Let’s finish up with some beer news!

MOTO Pizza....Good and Tasty Pizza Continues!!

MOTO Pizza....Good and Tasty Pizza Continues!!

Olympia Pizza & Spaghetti House.....It's The Layering Silly!!

Olympia Pizza & Spaghetti House.....It's The Layering Silly!!